Thursday, December 18, 2014

plagiarism check list

1) ( X ) I have not handed in this assignment for any other class at Kean University or any other institution, and I have not submitted or used this assignment for any organization, activity, or group anywhere at any time other than for this particular course assignment.

2) ( X ) If I reused any information from other papers I have written for other classes, I clearly explain that in the paper.

3) (  X) If I used any passages word for word, I put quotations around those words, or used indentation and citation within the text.

4) ( X ) I have not padded the bibliography. I have used all sources cited in the bibliography in the text of the paper.

5) (X  ) I have cited in the bibliography only the pages I personally read.

6) ( X ) I have used direct quotations only in cases where it could not be stated in another way. I cited the source within the paper and in the bibliography.

7) ( X ) I did not so over-use direct quotations that the paper lacks interpretation or originality.

8) ( X ) I checked yes on steps 1-9 and therefore have been fully transparent about the research and ideas used in my paper.
9) ( X ) I have credited all other team members or participants with their roles in this assignment, and clearly defined the portions of the assignment that I personally created.

Name: ________________Trey Cooper______________________  Date: december 18 2014____________________________

exercise 6

exercise 5

team presentation 1

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Exercise 3 Descriptive writing part 2

The girl with dark hair stands on the curb on the Vaughn Eames parking lot waiting for a ride. Her hair gently blows in the winds while she stands stoically staring down the row of parked cars. She is wearing a jean vest with tight black leggings and bright yellow high top vans shoes that are so bright they seem out of place in the dirty parking lot.
She thinks to her self
"what am I doing here? I sit and wait for a ride for 30 minutes ride in a car for another 45 after sitting in class for almost 9 hour... I should listen to my aunt and go to hair dressing school."
A group of frat boys walks pass and they all smile at her.
She just glares at them and turns her head in the other direction.
As cars pass and accelerate they leave a cloud of smoke that engulfs her and makes her eyes water.
As she rubs her eyes and turns her back alway and curses
To her a girl from a small beach town this parking lot is almost worse then the dump. She holds he books closly to her chest and closes her eyes.
A car honks and she opens her eyes. A figure is waving for her to get into the car. she quickly bolts to the car and jumps in. The car speeds off into the parking lot with the dark hair girl looking out the window at the passing parked cars.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Descriptive Writing Exercise

There is a small hum in the air from the building generators, construction, and constant movement of cars. Vaughn Eames parking lot at Kean is defiantly a area with a lot of activity but not much interaction. Cracked asphalt and uneven sidewalk direct students to class as if they were a maze. People  gathering their things from their cars or throwing everything in the back seat before speeding off campus.
A girl with dark hair waits at the corner for a ride home. She holds her books across her chest and her hips sway back and forth slowly to a song only she can her. A group of frat brothers are walking slowly and laughing together
"what time is the meeting tonight"
A girl walk to her car from class and is talking to someone on the phone about how much work she needs to do.
"o my god I have 4 papers that are due this week I dont know what I am gunna do"
"Probaly lock myself in my room for about 72 hours straight"
In the background you can hear the buzz of the construction going on across the parking lot. It sounds like being in side of a old factory or maybe some where in the steel industry. Each car that goes by and revs up their engine and each has its own unique sound. Some are loud and obnoxious and rattle and shake while others sputter and some like they could conk out at any moment. Some make no sounds at all others sound like a 10 year old lawn mower.
The cars pass the entrance and then file into the rows of cars looking for spots. As the car go furthers aways they remind me of those National Geographic videos you see of hippos on the waters of Africa. from afar you can only see the tops of the cars sticking up like a hippos back as it moves thru the water.
The scent of the parking lot is very diverse smell mix with dirt, asphalt, dirty river water, and car exhaust. All combined make a cocktail that stuffs the nose and will have you covering your face with fear of contracting a disease from walking from the white clowns of smoke that are a result of god knows what.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Exercise 2: Expressive Lighting

Part 1

"Jewish Merchant" By Rembrandt 

This painting by Rembrandt is a example of rembrandt expressive lighting. To me it look like the light is being cast onto the face by a light coming from the bottom left corner. This lighting set up would be easy to duplicate because of it simplicity, with one light shining from the bottom at about a 45 degree angle.

Part 2 
For this photo, taken on my Iphone 4s, I was trying to use more of a Rembrandt approach to lighting but I think it came out as a better example of Cameo lighting. Using a old lamp with a adjustable shade I put the lamp on my dinning room table and angled it at a 45 degree angle. Then used my moms nice red walls for a warm background, similar to the Rembrandt painting.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Exercise One Part One

photo credit Robert Siliato

photo credit Robert Siliato 

photo credit Robert Siliato 

photo credit Robert Siliato

photo credit Robert Siliato

Suggestion of Movement 
photo credit Robert Siliato 

Framed by architecture 
photo credit Robert Siliato 

Nose room 
Photo credit Robert Siliato

Head room
photo credit Robert Siliato 

photo credit Robert Siliato

photographer bio assignment

Robert "Bobby" Siliato resides in Asbury Park, New Jersey and has been shooting photography. He is a published award winning photographer whose subjects include landscapes, street, and surfing. His awards are as fallows, 2014 Eyesights Open Juried Photography Show at the Guild of Creative Art, Shrewsbury, New Jersey - Honorable mention "Suburban Station"
2013 Eyesights Open Juried Photography Show at the Guild of Creative Art, Shrewsbury, New Jersey - Honorable mention "The Sadness Within"
2009 Eyesights Open Juried Photography Show at the Guild of Creative Art, Shrewsbury, New Jersey - Honorable Mention, Color - "Southside"
July’s "Summer Sports & Action" Photo Contest with Fins Tropicali Restaurant in Brick, NJ. winning shot for the Fins! surf photo contest for July! Displayed at Fins! A TropiCali Grill in Brick.


photo credit- Robert Siliato
The reason I chose Bobby is because he is one of my good friends and has been shooting surfing photos of me for a few years now. He always gets really excited to shoot and brings a really good energy. My favorite thing about his photography is that it is very natural, Bobby makes sure to get a surf in or have some fun before shooting and I think that comes in his images.
photo credit- Robert Siliato

Thursday, October 9, 2014

A Hard Day's Night Response

A Hard Day's Night- Credit- Richard Lester

The film A Hard Day's Night was in my opinion very influential. This was a big part in showcasing The Beatles and their talents. The film was very new for its time and got a lot of recognition. I really like the feel of the film, the guys are so raw in the film despite it probably being mostly staged, there is a artistic taste in every shot of the film, many of these shots hold value still today. The visuals in the film compared to Life Magazine while both very impactful are very different. The film feels very staged to me but with the movement and sound the film is really good a keeping your attention. The Life Magazine images are beautiful in their simplicity. Though the image is still it gives off so much energy arguably more then the film.
Beatles in the pool- Credit- Life Magazine

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Diving Bell and Butterfly Reaction

The Diving Bell and Butterfly Reaction
T. Cooper

The film The Diving Bell and Butterfly was a very interesting and different film about a man who had a stroke and is diagnosed with locked in syndrome. Through the film we can hear the man speak but none of the doctors or nurses can, this frustrates the man as he becomes bitter and questions what is being done to him. I found the film to be very drawing. I couldn’t help but put myself in the mans place and feel what it would feel like to be imprisoned in ones body.  We could see what the man was seeing and hear what he is saying. The POV shots made it easier to pretend like you were the person the experience was happening to. The use of the sound of the mans breathing also added tension to what was happening and drew more emotion in my opinion. Over all I enjoyed the film

Still from The diving bell and

Thursday, September 18, 2014

About Me

Hey my name is Trey Cooper. I am 22 years old and live in Oceanport New Jersey and this is my 5th year at Kean. I surf, skate, snowboard, hanging out, and occasionally do a little hell raising. After this semester I will be heading out to California to work as a ski lift operator at Mammouth Mountain for the season. Cheers!