Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Exercise One Part One

photo credit Robert Siliato

photo credit Robert Siliato 

photo credit Robert Siliato 

photo credit Robert Siliato

photo credit Robert Siliato

Suggestion of Movement 
photo credit Robert Siliato 

Framed by architecture 
photo credit Robert Siliato 

Nose room 
Photo credit Robert Siliato

Head room
photo credit Robert Siliato 

photo credit Robert Siliato

photographer bio assignment

Robert "Bobby" Siliato resides in Asbury Park, New Jersey and has been shooting photography. He is a published award winning photographer whose subjects include landscapes, street, and surfing. His awards are as fallows, 2014 Eyesights Open Juried Photography Show at the Guild of Creative Art, Shrewsbury, New Jersey - Honorable mention "Suburban Station"
2013 Eyesights Open Juried Photography Show at the Guild of Creative Art, Shrewsbury, New Jersey - Honorable mention "The Sadness Within"
2009 Eyesights Open Juried Photography Show at the Guild of Creative Art, Shrewsbury, New Jersey - Honorable Mention, Color - "Southside"
July’s "Summer Sports & Action" Photo Contest with Fins Tropicali Restaurant in Brick, NJ. winning shot for the Fins! surf photo contest for July! Displayed at Fins! A TropiCali Grill in Brick.


photo credit- Robert Siliato
The reason I chose Bobby is because he is one of my good friends and has been shooting surfing photos of me for a few years now. He always gets really excited to shoot and brings a really good energy. My favorite thing about his photography is that it is very natural, Bobby makes sure to get a surf in or have some fun before shooting and I think that comes in his images.
photo credit- Robert Siliato

Thursday, October 9, 2014

A Hard Day's Night Response

A Hard Day's Night- Credit- Richard Lester

The film A Hard Day's Night was in my opinion very influential. This was a big part in showcasing The Beatles and their talents. The film was very new for its time and got a lot of recognition. I really like the feel of the film, the guys are so raw in the film despite it probably being mostly staged, there is a artistic taste in every shot of the film, many of these shots hold value still today. The visuals in the film compared to Life Magazine while both very impactful are very different. The film feels very staged to me but with the movement and sound the film is really good a keeping your attention. The Life Magazine images are beautiful in their simplicity. Though the image is still it gives off so much energy arguably more then the film.
Beatles in the pool- Credit- Life Magazine