Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Diving Bell and Butterfly Reaction

The Diving Bell and Butterfly Reaction
T. Cooper

The film The Diving Bell and Butterfly was a very interesting and different film about a man who had a stroke and is diagnosed with locked in syndrome. Through the film we can hear the man speak but none of the doctors or nurses can, this frustrates the man as he becomes bitter and questions what is being done to him. I found the film to be very drawing. I couldn’t help but put myself in the mans place and feel what it would feel like to be imprisoned in ones body.  We could see what the man was seeing and hear what he is saying. The POV shots made it easier to pretend like you were the person the experience was happening to. The use of the sound of the mans breathing also added tension to what was happening and drew more emotion in my opinion. Over all I enjoyed the film

Still from The diving bell and

Thursday, September 18, 2014

About Me

Hey my name is Trey Cooper. I am 22 years old and live in Oceanport New Jersey and this is my 5th year at Kean. I surf, skate, snowboard, hanging out, and occasionally do a little hell raising. After this semester I will be heading out to California to work as a ski lift operator at Mammouth Mountain for the season. Cheers!